Are you looking for the best interior paint in Australia? Look no further!

We outline how to choose the best interior paint for your needs. We have also compiled a list of the top paint brands and colours to give your home a beautiful stylish makeover.

Whether you are looking for a bright and cheerful colour or something more subtle for your interior walls, we have you covered. It is amazing how much your mood can change with a fresh coat of paint.

Read on to learn more about the best interior paint on the Australian market today.

Clean and beautifully painted house.

What Is The Best Interior Paint in Australia and Why?

The best interior paint in Australia is the one that best suits your needs and preferences.

There is a range of different paint on the market, so it’s important to do your research and find the right one for you. Some factors you need to consider include:

  • The room you will be painting, eg. Bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, etc.
  • The exact surface you will be painting, eg. gyprock wall, ceiling, wooden skirting, etc.
  • The type of paint you will be using, eg. acrylic, enamel, latex, etc.
  • The finish you want to achieve such as matte, satin or gloss.
  • The paint colour you want to use and their availability.

There are a number of reasons why a particular brand or type of paint may be best for you. For example, if you have allergies, you may want to choose an acrylic paint that doesn’t contain any harmful chemicals.

If you have kids or pets, you may want paint with a tougher finish that is less likely to scratch or chip. And if you’re looking for a specific look, make sure to check out the range of colours available from different brands.

Two men opening a new paint can.

Best Interior Paint Brands in Australia

There are a number of different interior paint brands on the Australian market, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. Here is a list of some of the most popular brands:


Dulux is one of the most well-known and trusted brands when it comes to interior and exterior paints and coatings. They offer a wide range of products, including both acrylic and enamel in a range of finishes.

For example, Dulux Wash and Wear is a great option for pets or children as it makes cleaning messes off your walls easy.

They also offer a huge variety of paint colours to choose from, so you’re sure to find the perfect shade for your home.


Taubmans is another big player in the Australian paint market. They offer both acrylic and enamel paints, as well as a range of finishes including matte, satin and gloss.

They also have a large range of colours to choose from, so you’re sure to find something that suits your style.


Wattyl is another well-known brand when it comes to premium paints, offering both water-based and oil-based paints in a variety of finishes and colours.

They also have a number of specialist paints such as metallic, textured and glow-in-the-dark.

A painting project showing different paint sizes of paint brushes.

The Different Types of Interior Paints For Your Home

When it comes to choosing the right paint for your home, there are a few different options to choose from:

Acrylic Paint

Acrylic paints are water-based, which makes them easy to clean and safe for kids and pets. They come in a range of finishes, including matte, satin and gloss, and are available in a range of colours.

Enamel Paint

Enamel paints are oil-based, making them more durable than acrylic. They also come in a range of finishes, including matte, satin and gloss, and are available in a range of colours.

However, they can be difficult to clean and may not be safe for kids or pets.

Latex Paint

Latex paints are water-based, making them easy to clean and safe for kids and pets. However, they come in a limited range of finishes (mostly matte) and colours.

A painter is painting the window trim with a paintbrush using white paint.

What Is The Best Finish For Interior Paint?

The best finish for interior paint depends on your preferences and the room you are painting.

For example, if you are painting a bathroom or kitchen, you may want a high gloss finish as it is easier to clean.

If you paint a bedroom or living room, you may want a satin or matte finish as it is more aesthetically pleasing.

What Colour Should I Paint My Walls?

Deciding on a new colour for your interior walls can be exciting and challenging. The best paint colour for your walls depends on your personal preferences and the existing style of your home.

If you are unsure of what colour to paint your walls, you can always consult with a professional interior painter or interior designer.

To get the ball rolling here are some of the most popular colour choices for wall paint:

  • Neutral tones such as white, cream or beige
  • Pastel colours such as light blue or light pink
  • A bold colour such as red, yellow or orange
  • Dark shades such as navy blue or charcoal grey

Paint swatches are a great tool to use when deciding on the perfect colour for your home makeover. You may even consider including a feature wall to create some contrast.

Once you have an idea of the colour you want to paint your walls, you can move on to other parts of your interior.

Painter painting ceiling white with roller.

What Colour Should I Paint My Ceiling?

When painting your ceiling, you will first need to match the colour of your walls so they are perfectly paired. Usually, you will want to use a light and airy colour.

This will help to make the room feel larger and more open.

With this in mind, white is always a good option for ceiling paint, as it will reflect the light and make the room feel bright.

If you are looking for a more vibrant colour, consider using a pale pink or yellow. These colours will add some warmth to the room without being too overpowering.

What is the Difference Between Gloss Paint & Semi-Gloss?

Gloss paint is a type of paint that has a high sheen and is very reflective. It is often used on trim, cabinets and other areas that need to be cleaned often.

Semi-gloss paint is a type of paint that has a lower sheen than gloss. It is less reflective and is often used on walls and doors.

Which one should you use? The type of paint you use will depend on the area you are painting.

If you are painting an area that needs to be cleaned often, such as a bathroom or kitchen, you will want to use a glossy type. If you paint a living room or bedroom, you can use semi-gloss.


So what is the best interior paint in Australia? This important consideration really depends on your needs and preferences.

As there are many interior parts to Australian homes you need to consider each room individually while also ensuring there is a seamless flow between each one.

For example, you would want paint with mould resistance for your bathroom and other wet rooms, stain resistance coatings for surfaces if you have kids or pets and highly durable paints for high-traffic areas.

By spending time choosing the right type of paint, colour-matching the rest of your home applying the new coatings appropriately, we are sure you will achieve the look your desire.

Just make sure to read the instructions carefully and follow the safety precautions. We hope this article helps you achieve overall satisfaction in your newly painted house interior.

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